On the Saturday of the Faith Conference, which was hosted at Life Changers, I dropped my father off. I came to pick him up later that evening, but I had arrived early. I sat in my car in the parking lot waiting for my dad and I could still hear the conference going on. I could hear the preacher and for some time I sat there listening to him speak. It felt as if what he was saying was completely directed to me.
I took a leap of faith and decided to walk into the church. At first I didn’t know where to go but I told one of the people serving who my dad was and they helped me find him. My dad was sitting there completely touched by the Holy Spirit. I knew I had found the place God wanted me to be. That Monday I spoke to one of the leaders at church and I gave my life to God.
My biggest change was in my spirit - being able to see life in its true form and that this world is only temporary. God’s plan for us is what matters while we live in this world.
The sense of family at Life Changers has impacted me the most. Seeing that there are people who care about you, who share similar problems in life, and yet who are open and still trust in God, blew my mind. I couldn’t believe that the sincerity was real.
My biggest changes have been to forgive those who have wronged me. To show compassion and understanding to the unsaved. To love one another, even an enemy. And to truly trust in God’s plan.
In 2016 I was introduced to Life Changers by a friend of mine who was attending church. When I first joined I felt lost. I had no confidence and that was accompanied by anxiety and the fear of not being accepted. I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour from what I was taught as a child, but I still felt that something was missing. I realised that I had no personal relationship with Him.
I came to Life Changers because I needed a fresh start. I needed a community who I could trust to support me and bring me closer to God – but I didn’t realise this at the time. I only grasped how important this was once I started getting plugged in and serving. I now have a personal relationship with Jesus and a family who calls me to more in Christ.
When I gave my life to Christ the biggest change I saw in myself was that I am able to find grace in everything that I do. Whether it is at work, while going on adventures or just being in the comfort of my own home, I can see God’s grace in all things. I used to feel unworthy of love, but since recommitting my life to Christ I no longer have my previous insecurities.
I have so much peace and comfort knowing that God is always there with me.
Being in this community has taught me how to love people. My love for people has grown dramatically. I find it so much easier communicating with others.
My heart is so full of God’s grace that it makes it easier to talk about my faith and my love for God. In this community I have become a God-fearing woman with a lot to give and I wouldn’t change a thing.
I gave my life to Christ in 1974 when my youngest child turned three years old. Before salvation I thought God was dead and that Jesus was a swear word. Nobody in my family went to church at the time. My salvation was a strange one. I went to the dedication of a friend’s baby and felt very uncomfortable in the church, so I decided a hasty retreat was in order. I had been given a tract with scriptures on both sides and was told to read it twice a day. On the third day a warm feeling started in my tummy and after six months no one could wipe the smile off my face. I got down on my knees and started to pray as if I had been doing it for years. I bought a children’s bible and read it from cover to cover. My husband had a bible that had been given to him by a friend which I started to read. Six months later my husband gave his heart to Jesus.
In 2016, the year of my husband’s passing, Inga popped in and asked me if I would like to join them at Life Changers. I thought it was just a special meeting but it turned out that they were opening their doors at Milnerton High School. It had been my desire to serve in a church in Milnerton. To keep busy I decided to join a serving team and after that I decided to partner with the church.
I have come to a place in my life where I want to help those that have lost a loved one and are hurting. I never imagined that I would go through such a dark place before rising up again, but God is in the mix.
I joined Life Changers through a friend called Allen. I had been in Cape Town for two years but I hadn’t been attending church at all. I was involved in a shady lifestyle and I was stealing people’s money through the internet. But church had always been in the back of my mind because of my upbringing.
Before Life Changers I was involved in a less than savoury lifestyle and I had to make a lot of changes. I basically had to start everything from scratch in order to live the life God had always planned for me. The first sermon I heard at Life Changers challenged me to change my lifestyle and my source of livelihood. Living a life for Christ means that you are going to do radical and crazy things for God. People may wonder what happened to the ‘old you’ and what was the change It’s Jesus.
The biggest change in my life was coming to understand the love of Christ. Understanding that Christ died for me once on the cross and that is enough for my sins and that all I must do is to trust and believe in God. I have come to realize that God is love and His love endures forever. I saw God’s love in my life, but most especially, the church showed and led me to the love of Jesus.
There have been so many people in our community that have impacted my life in a radical way. This community has been my family, mentors, pillars and prayer partners. I am where I am today because people’s love and their belief in me
I had just moved to Cape Town and I was looking for a church to plant myself in. After church hopping for three months I Googled one last church and Life Changers came up. I walked in and I have never left since. Because I was alone in a new city, finding a church where I could grow, find community and where the word of God was preached was extremely important to me.
I gave my life to Christ as a teenager and yes there was some change, but for me the real life change came when I found myself in my brokenness surrounded in community that knew my heart and chose to love me anyway, a community that challenged my walk in Christ in so many areas. Even though I gave my life to Christ as a 15 year-old, I was still living in fear, shame and bondage. Being part of a campus ministry changed everything. They showed me how to soak in the Word and they challenged me in the unforgiveness I harboured. Before this journey I couldn’t even bring myself to call God “father”, and now I know He is such a good, good Father. Shame was stripped away and then only did I experience the freedom we read of in His Word. Not only was I free but I was free to disciple women to walk in the same freedom I had found.
I am currently in a season of waiting, where God is showing me that it is okay to be in a season where I am soaking in His word and being still in Him. I have seen my heart be content through this season since I joined this community.
I love that this community values the Word and unashamedly preaches it in truth. My heart has been stirred again for the nations since joining Life Changers.
I was living enslaved by the lies of this world. Living in chains that kept me captive for 33 years. I grew up not knowing God and lived a life filled with fear, rejection, manipulation and emptiness. I grew up as a woman with no identity, seeking love wherever I could find it, and I eventually found myself in a lesbian lifestyle.
The more I tried to run and deny our God, the more radically He came for me. A few weeks before joining Life Changers I found myself at a friend’s house with plans to numb my pain and fill my emptiness with a drunken cocaine binge. God had other plans for me that night and instead a group of friends who were Christians prayed for me. The very next day I got saved and baptized in their church.
Eventually I found myself at Life Changers one Sunday evening. I didn’t stay for too long and snuck in and out very quickly. Before I left I filled in a visitor’s card and cried out for help on there. Jade Pilkington reached out to me and invited me to her Life Group down the road. I was filled with fear and anxiety but God encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and accept her invitation to Life Group. That night I knew deep inside that I had found my family.
My life has really changed drastically. I was a scared girl covered in tattoos, with dreadlocks and not knowing her identity.
As I fell head-over-heels in love with our beautiful God, the biggest change that I noticed was that the empty hole that I tried filling with relationships, sex with women, alcohol and drug abuse, tattoos, was now overflowing with a new love that I never experienced before. My sexuality is no longer my identity.
God surrounded me with people who loved me just as I was. God has graciously given me a brand-new heart, a heart where He lives.
I am experiencing the incredible freedom that comes with living in Christ. I feel so blessed to have an opportunity to know God’s truth, kindness, family and undeserving grace.
I came to know about Life Changers through a friend in January 2016. She shared with me how she felt so at home and believed the people really cared about her. A couple months went by as I continued to walk my faith journey, messaging my friend every so often to find out when she would be available to go to church with me.
By June, I still had not stepped foot in the church, but my Spirit was eagerly yearning for that sense of community. Eventually I decided it was time. The second I stepped through the doors I felt a sense of being home.
It was awkward at first and I didn’t know anyone, yet it felt like I was part of a family. I think the most prominent change in my life since then has been my desire for control. One of the main reasons I accepted God’s redemption was because I no longer had to be in control of everything!
I was often comparing myself to others because I actually didn’t really know who I was. Jesus revealed to me that my identity is found in Him and who He says I am, not in others and that has impacted my life greatly.
With increased knowledge of who He is, His joy became even more evident in my life. I believe God has used the community of Life Changers to renew what I understand joy to be. God has used this community to show me time and time again that I am not alone, both in that He will never leave me, but also in the knowledge that I have an incredible family.
When I walked in through the church doors two years ago, it wasn’t the building that was home, it was the welcoming faces of people I had never met and the hearts that cared enough to pour into my life. Nothing has changed much in that aspect, yet my life has been radically redefined and God gets all the glory.
I used to get asked to come to church on days like Christmas and Easter. Before I came to Life Changers I wasn’t in a good place; I was doing anything to make me feel something. At the time I was drinking heavily and my relationship with my girlfriend was strained. I stopped drinking for three months but while I found myself giving up alcohol I turned to other things. I realised that something needed to change and that is when I had my encounter with God – I realised I couldn’t change on my own. It wasn’t until I had an encounter with God that I decided to get rooted in a church that is filled with love and Christ.
My desire for the things of this world faded and I was just filled with love and the Holy Spirit. My whole character and outlook on life has changed. I am trying to align my outlook with Christ and look to what He would do. I think the biggest thing that changed was that I had genuine love and care for all. I stopped partying and drinking the way I used to and I got involved with the right people.
Since joining Life Changers, even when I am going through struggles, I can lean into the community for support, guidance and spiritual mentorship. There is a genuineness in our community, free from judgement because everyone truly wants the best for you. There is just a feeling of sincere love and desire to get to know Jesus better.
Life Changers is a community of Christians that don’t just practise Sunday Christianity but strive to love and share the Gospel every day.
In 2015 I miraculously survived a suicide attempt. Months after I was healed I was still frail, insecure and self-harming. My heart was seeking God but I was still pushing on in my own strength. In late 2016 my company’s National Sales Manager, Bryan D’Angle, told me of a church in Blouberg that had an inner healing ministry. Only once I started reconsidering death did I read the email he sent and click on the link to Life Changers church. I knew that I loved God, but I did not understand the full redemption through Christ which was needed to experience His relationship.
When I gave my life to Jesus, I received Identity. I was not insecure anymore, my anxiety disappeared - I was grateful for life. God used Life Changers to show me family and community, real friendship. I had this boldness to feel less ashamed of what I had gone through, and every time I would talk about my weakness and give it to the Father, I would roar like a lion; strong in weakness, strong in Him. My heart was dynamically changing from deep within, changing how I made choices, because of my love for Jesus. I used to hate myself. I would look in the mirror and I would hate the woman that was staring back. People used to terrify me because deep inside I was insecure all the time!
But God came into my life, lifted up the mirror and took every word and changed it. I felt Him say, “You are beautiful.
When we first came to Life Changers, we experienced an amazing sense of hospitality and belonging, for which l had long desired since moving to Cape Town.
Before I gave my life to Christ, I was just like everyone else. I couldn’t find any sense of meaning in life and I was constantly searching for something. I was living a reckless lifestyle, trying everything that came into my path in an attempt to satisfy the emptiness in my life. Since I gave my life to God, I not only value myself, but I also see the value in others. Because my identity was reconstructed through Jesus, I am now able to relate to others with tolerance, patience, kindness and humility. I am no longer easily angered and have found myself able to rejoice while still facing battles.
We lost our daughter. Our world became dark and life seemed like it had no meaning, but we saw the value of community. The leaders and partners of Life Changers have been pillars of strength for us. When our faith was up in the air, the elders and their wives came into the home of an ordinary Zimbabwean man like me and poured out support to us. So many people and in so many different ways. For me my life was not impacted by individual but by the whole church community.
I love community because that’s what defines me. My heart beats towards seeing children living by what has been destined for them, not by circumstances ruling over them. I want to see the power of God moving in us through His love.
For me I want to show love to kids by playing, communicating identity, seeing kids reach their potential and offering security. These are the pillars of a father who is serving and that is what I believe God has called me to be in community.
When I first came to Life Changers in November 2016 I arrived with a hard heart – I didn’t want a relationship with God let alone to be involved in the church. I had been saved since the age of 12, but I did not want anything to do with God. I had head knowledge, but my heart did not reflect God’s grace and love.
For thirteen years I had suffered from severe depression, and suicidal thoughts were second nature. I had closed myself off from church, people and most of all, God. Depression was my identity. But very quickly community gathered around me even though no one knew about my struggles. God started to warm my heart and I began to let people into my life once again.
In March of 2017 I was still struggling with depression and I was at the end of my tether. But God had other plans. After thirteen years of crying out to God, I was healed from depression. But it first took me surrendering to Him, and trusting in all that He is for me. Because I have been a Christian for more than half of my life, I have learnt a multitude of things along the way. But I guess the biggest change in my life is that I realised that my life is not my own, but belongs to God. I am living for something so much greater than myself. Not only do I belong to him, but he is my provision and my abundance.
Life Changers is a community of people who welcomes everyone and who will love you unconditionally. When I first arrived, I did not like people and didn’t want to get close to anyone, because I feared peoples’ opinions and being hurt. But I realised just as they loved me unconditionally, so too did my Father in heaven.
Rather than looking at my flaws or failures of the past, they accounted for my ability in Christ. I experienced the grace of a community focussed on God and all that He has for us.
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Email: communications@lifechangers.org.za
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